6 Things to do/help you whenever you are feeling down

5 min readMay 15, 2021

During this time, all of us are facing different problem and challenging obstacles in our lives. Even me, I have also face big obstacles. That is why, I would like to share some of the things that helped me in facing my daily life obstacle

Favorite Foods is a big Yes!
  1. FOOD
  • Hey, delicious foods are a big Yes! It can be anything, sweet, sour, salty, bitter, something spicy? or maybe a Pickle? a delicious moist cake from a local bakery store? it can be anything that you want/need.
  • I have heard before and also read in one of my books that, sweets can Help you during your sad and melancholic emotions. And also, spicy foods became one of my favorite during this days.
  • Sour, can give you some tingling sensation as if you are, being tickled by a ferocious little furry pup.


  • I know, I know that some of you are thinking that books are boring. Yes, I respect your opinion but I would just like to say that books can really help you especially, if you are feeling alone, bored or sometimes wanting or missing to go somewhere or to travel.
  • Books, is actually really helpful and it is also same for my part. Whenever you are reading something or maybe some fictional books, you tend to sort of forget what is outside but instead, you are focusing to the book like the characters, plot, the story itself
  • I also recommend some fiction since that is my favorite whenever I am feeling bad. I also tend to think of myself as one of the characters, it would be really cool! if you have found a character in one of the books that you are reading that is a bit similar as you
Walking, Walking


  • I know that during this pandemic is not allowed but, if you have a yard, try to stroll a bit there even if it is small. Or maybe, you can roam around your house.
  • I usually do this whenever I wanted to think something or if my mind is a bit suffocated. I also go to my yard and sit at our bench whenever I wanted to breath some fresh air.
  • Or maybe, you can also walk with your pets anywhere. Play with them. I know that they are a big bowl of sunshine. I also have a pet, dog and it is a white Pomeranian. She is really playful
Movie are really fun!


  • Oh yes! movies. I love to watch some films. Recently, I have watched with my family some movies. I am also watching movies with my friends, we are not really allowed this time so, we just meet up each other in Zoom or any other meeting places.
  • Movies, can also help you especially if you are feeling down. I love to watch something romantic, fantasy, or maybe something thrilling
  • You can also watch with your family and laugh as loud as you can with some comedy movies. If you are faraway from them, maybe you can meet each other online my Skype or anything. Or, you could also watch with your pets if you have one
Family Time!


  • I sort of find my parents a bit annoyingly funny in a good way, whenever they are screaming at the top of their lung “FAMILY TIME!”. Whenever I heard it, I tend to get so excited especially if I am not okay
  • I also talk to my mom about my insecurities or maybe some of my problems that I have been facing
  • I also play with my siblings some board games or maybe some video games. We also tend to have a 2 v1 match since I am the only girl and I have to brothers. My older brother is a big clown of the house like my dad
  • Spend some time with you family!
Dear Diary


  • And lastly, yes, I do keep a diary. I have actually started since I was in kindergarten and I have had at least 5–6 diaries already. Since, before when I was little, I was facing a big issue in my whole life that is why I have a diary with me
  • Having a diary is a big help for you especially, if you cannot talk to anyone with your own problems or maybe the day you went in.
  • And also, you can call your diary any names or maybe give them a name. I call my diary “esor” backwards of ‘rose’. I used to call it like that ever since before.
  • Diaries, can also help you realize that you are not alone and that you have a friend beside you. All this years that I have kept a diary, I already treat it like a normal person

That is all, I hope that this helped you as it did for me. I hope that you are doing well with all those struggles in your life. Trust yourself and I hope that you know that you can do it. Thank you so much and have a great day :)




I am a amateur writer. I love writing in my diary and I love to be productive.